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  • +44 454 7800 112
  • infotech@arino.com
  • 50 Wall Street Suite, 44150 Ohio, United States


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio as part dignissimos ducimus qui blandit.


Enable Smart Transportation with Computer Vision

Optimize traffic flow and improve safety by interpreting visual data.

Redefining and Empowering Transportation Industry with Computer Vision

Before the advent of Computer Vision, the transportation industry had limited safety measures, inefficient traffic flow, inadequate surveillance, manual toll collection, limited automation, and poor user experience due to manual monitoring leading to a lack of data for decision-making to businesses.

Discover Safer, Smarter, Sustainable Transportation Solutions

Our advanced analytics solutions provide transportation companies with real-time traffic data, enabling them to optimize routes and reduce congestion for an efficient travel experience.

Pioneering the Future with our Deep Learning Algorithm Models

Our solutions shape transportation’s future with a new era of excellence and Deep Learning power

Superior Accuracy

Deliver exceptional accuracy in data analysis and obtain precise results

Customization & Adaptability

Customized solutions for unique challenges and optimized processes.

Real-time Performance

Optimized for real-time processing and enabled fast and efficient analysis of large volumes of data.

Pave the Way for a Smarter, Connected, and Sustainable Transportation Ecosystem with Us

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