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Master Data Management

Achieve Single View of Customer by implementing Customer Master Data Management

Master data management (MDM) is the core process used to manage, centralize, organize, categorize, localize, synchronize and enrich master data according to the business rules within sales, marketing and operational strategies of an organization. Our Customer Master Data Management Solution specializes in aggregating Customer records across disparate systems to create a golden record. This record when stitched with other customer details helps in creation of a customer data hub or a customer 3600 view.

Why we built this Accelerator?

Master Data Management (MDM) solution creates a centralized repository of a client’s master or golden records. Our solution leverages multi-domain MDM and hosts the database storing cleansed golden records.

Master Data Management systems vary widely between organizations, and the type of deployment will depend on the core business, corporate structure and company goals. There are four common MDM implementation approaches: Registry, Coexistence, Consolidation, and Transaction/ Centralization.


A Registry type of approach can be used to analyze the data from many source systems spread across the world while avoiding the risk of overwriting information in the source systems and avoid potential compliance failure or other regulatory repercussions (which may vary from country to country) that could occur if source data is changed.
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A Consolidation type of approach can be used to pull master data from several existing systems and channel it into a single managed managed data hub. This data can then be cleansed, matched and integrated to offer a complete single record for one or more master data domains. Hubs are inexpensive and quick to set up, providing a fast and efficient way to facilitate enterprise-wide reporting and analytics.
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In the Co-existence type of approach, the data is mastered in source systems and then synchronized with the hub, so data can coexist harmoniously and offers a single version of the truth. The quality of master data is improved, and access is faster. Reporting is also easier as all master data attributes are in a single place. Links centrally governed data back to the source systems.
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In Transaction/centralized solution approach the master data is always accurate and complete while security and visibility policies at a data attribute level can be supported by the Transaction style hub. It benefits in having a centralized set of master data for one or more domains.
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Customer MDM to achieve single view of customer is follows Consolidation implementation. What can be achieved by Customer Data Platforms can be nimbly achieved with our solution.

Solution Accelerator

Key components of the solution are:

  • Data Discovery: Automatic discovery of the attribute type. Eg: First name, Last name, Phone no., email etc.
  • Data Wrangling: State of the art data wrangling techniques involve spell checks, phonetics, abbreviations, geolocation etc. to generate additional attributes.
  • Data Rationalization: Golden record generation by merging multiple records and using survivorship rules based on information gathered, timestamp etc.
  • Data Clusters: Automatic clustering of information which can be leveraged by marketing teams to create targeted campaigns.
  • Data Quality: Generate useful insights into quality of data to improve your business process efficiency.
MDM Solution

Solution Features

  • Easily integrates incoming data from various sources with multiple data formats, dimensions etc.
  • Leverages state of the art libraries/APIs to generate matches across records.
  • Language detection and translation libraries to support native languages.
  • Survival rules to populate data in primary and secondary fields.

Business Benefits

  • Single View of Customer resulting in better service.
  • Customer Data Ownership.
  • Enhanced Data Governance and Compliance.
  • Data Quality, Integrity, Availability, and Flexibility
MDM Business Benefits

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