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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio as part dignissimos ducimus qui blandit.

Blister Defect Detection

Streamline Your Blister Defect Detection with Vision AI

In pharmaceutical & packaging industries, ensuring better standards of product quality is essential. Blister Defect Detection with Computer Vision combines imaging technology with a Deep Learning algorithm to enhance Quality Control efficiency. It verifies the placement and alignment of tablets or capsules, detects empty or partially filled cavities, checks for damaged blisters, and ensures accurate labeling and printing.  

Blister quality inspection

Overcome Blister Quality Control Challenges with Computer Vision

Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies should implement a comprehensive inspection procedure to ensure blister packaging meets high standards of quality and safety. 

  • Defects and Contamination: Undetected defects, such as incomplete seals or foreign particles, can lead to product contamination, impacting consumer safety and satisfaction. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: Non-compliance with industry regulations may result in fines, recalls, and damage to the brand’s reputation. 
  • Operational Inefficiencies: Lack of an efficient inspection process can lead to delays, increased costs, and potential rework, affecting overall operational efficiency. 

Unraveling Blister Anomalies with Vision AI Inspection Process

Our Blister Defect Detection with Vision AI process adheres to a systematic flow, ensuring a thorough examination of each blister pack. 

  • Capture and Refine: High-resolution images of blister packs are captured and refined using preprocessing to highlight features and reduce noise. 
  • Detect and Classify: A Deep Learning algorithm quickly spots and categorizes defects, such as missing or compromised tablets, marking the packs as pass or fail. 
  • Automate and Display: The system automates the acceptance or rejection process, presenting inspection outcomes in real-time. 
  • Log and Enhance: Results are recorded for accountability and used to improve quality by updating the algorithm with new data insights. 
  • Sync with Production: Inspection data is directly fed into the production control system, facilitating a smooth workflow with automatic pass/fail signals for blister packs. 
Blister quality inspection
Blister quality inspection

Prevent Recalls Proactively with Blister Defect Detection

Protect patient trust and product integrity with our meticulous Blister Package Inspection solution. From microscopic pinholes to misaligned foils, we meticulously scan every blister for even the subtlest deviations, ensuring the safety and efficacy of your medication. 

  • Seal Integrity: Inspect blister packaging seals for any defects such as incomplete seals, wrinkles, or misalignments that may compromise packaging and product integrity. 
  • Tablet/Capsule Presence and Orientation: Ensure tablets or capsules are present and correctly oriented in each blister pocket to prevent medication errors. 
  • Printed Information Verification: Verify printed information on blister packaging, including batch numbers, expiration dates, and critical details, to ensure regulatory compliance and prevent medication identification errors. 
  • Packaging Uniformity: Assess overall uniformity of blister packaging, checking for consistent tablet or capsule placement, uniform spacing, and proper alignment for a standardized and professional appearance. 

Set New Quality Standards in Blister Package Inspection with Vision AI

Leveraging Deep Learning algorithms and sophisticated image processing to achieve unmatched accuracy in quality assurance. Our Vision AI technology enhances resource efficiency, refines workflows, and boosts overall operational productivity for Blister Package Inspection. 

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