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Suspicious Activity Monitoring

Live Object Monitoring for Ultimate Security with Computer Vision

Ensuring safety and security of public places, restricted areas, assets and premises is much vital in today’s fast-paced world. Although traditional security measures, such as alarms and cameras, have been successful, technological advancements have led to newer possibilities. With computer vision-based live object monitoring detect and track suspicious activity in public spaces and receive alerts of threats prior.

Suspicious Activity Monitoring

Addressing the Challenges of Suspicious Activity Monitoring for Enhanced Security

High-risk areas such as public transport, banks, schools, and roads face security and safety threats such as terrorism, theft, accidents, and vandalism.

  • Enhance Security in public areas: Detect security threats such as unattended baggage or suspicious behavior by passengers.
  • Ensure public safety: Detect unsafe conditions and alert personnel before accidents occur.

Accurately Track and Monitor Suspicious Activity with our Deep Learning Model

Our deep learning algorithms analyze video in live and are trained to recognize patterns of behavior that indicate threats.

  • Video Capture: Real-time video footage is captured.
  • Video Analysis: The algorithm detects suspicious patterns and behaviors.
  • Alert Generation: Appropriate personnel or security team is notified if suspicious activity is detected.
  • Continuous Monitoring: The video capture, analysis, and alert generation processes and the process continues 24/7.
Suspicious Activity Monitoring

Monitor Human Activity with our Machine Vision Recognition System

With visual surveillance monitor and detect human activities and get alerts to take quick action. Businesses can proactively address security challenges and maintain a safe environment for all stakeholders with our Machine vision object monitoring system.

Leverage Computer Vision to uncover valuable patterns and insights

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